Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Spinach Soup

On a rainy day like today, nothing beats a warm bowl of soup! This would have made a great entry for St. Patty's day, but either way, we enjoyed it tonight! I thought it tasted great, but it is going to take my preschooler (who will eat a spinach salad, no problem) a couple more exposures to get used to it. You wouldn't believe how much spinach is packed into this nutrient dense soup.

Spinach Soup

In a large pot:

-Melt 4 Tbs of butter.
-Add 1 Tbs of flour and cook until it becomes a thick, foamy mixture (about 2-3 min)
-Add about 1 lb of fresh spinach in and cook until wilted.
-Add 2 1/2 c. broth and remove from heat.

At this point you need to puree the soup. I dumped mine into a blender, but you could also use a food processor or an immersion blender if you're fancy (I only wish I had one!).

Once pureed, put the soup back in the pot over medium to low heat.

In a separate bowl:
-Mix 1/2 c. heavy cream and 2 egg yolks.

Slowly dump and mix the cream mixture and into the soup.

Finishing touches:

-Flavor with salt and pepper.
-I recommend serving it right away. I made mine a little early and waited for the hubby to get home, but it separated a bit after sitting.
-Serve with a salad and side of buttered toast.

1 comment:

  1. I have been adding 1/2-1 cup of walnuts to give the soup a fully flavor and the family seems to like it! Thanks for yet another family staple recipe that is oh so healthy! :)
