Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Crockpot Chicken Noodle Soup

Well, it's Wednesday and that means CROCK POT cookin around here! Admittedly, I was in the shower about 30 minutes before I needed to leave the house this morning when I realized that I hadn't put our crock pot together yet. I was able to finish getting ready, put the crock pot together and have 5 minutes to spare before we left. Granted, I don't take long to get ready, but really what this should tell you is that this one is SUPER easy. It also hit the spot for this mama who has been feeling on the edge of getting sick all week. Surely, it's enough to ward it off??

Crock Pot Chicken Soup

Toss in the crock pot:
-carrots, chopped
-celery, chopped
-1 onion, halved
-garlic cloves, chopped or minced
-salt and pepper
-enough broth to cover all the goods

Cook on low for 7-8 hours. 20 minutes before you're ready to serve, shred the chicken and toss in a very small cut pasta and let sit until cooked to your desired tenderness. Fish out the onion halves. Serve with warm biscuits.

Get creative with this one! I had a sweet potato on my counter that needed a home, so I cubed it up and tossed it in. You can add additional spices (i.e. a couple of bay leaves and the beginning of cooking or some fresh parsley at the end).

As for the chicken, I tossed in a package of frozen breasts (which was literally a frozen block when I put it in). You could also use boneless skinless thighs. If you're really feeling brave, you could put a whole chicken in and remove it to shred and skin it, putting the meat back into the soup when done.

Once cooked, this one freezes really well, too!!

This family is getting a change of scenery for about a week and headed "home" to see our families. Sorry, but I probably won't be posting much, if at all during this time. I'll probably sit back and be pampered with mom's cookin'. :)

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