Thursday, September 1, 2011

Gazpacho-style Pasta

The cucumbers are literally taking over my world. The garden, the CSA, they just won't stop coming! Many people have recommended gazpacho to me, but I've tried it before and something about cold mush doesn't appeal to me at all. It's not the flavor so much as the texture - bleh! So . . . when I came across this recipe for gazpacho pasta salad, I thought hmmmmm.... I think this might work!!

Gazpacho-style Pasta


-1 box of small shell pasta
-1 large cucumber, cut into 1" chunks
-1 red pepper, cut into large chunks
-1 yellow pepper, cut into large chunks
-1 sweet onion, quartered
-1 hot pepper, cut into large chunks (pablano, jalepeno, etc.)
-1 garlic clove, chopped
-5-6 tomatoes, cut into small pieces
-2 Tbs olive oil
-2 Tbs red wine vinegar

1. Cook pasta to al dente.
2. Pulse cucumbers, peppers, onion, and garlic until finely chopped, but NOT pureed.
3. Mix well in a large bowl: pasta, processor contents, tomatoes, oil, vinegar, and salt.
4. Chill and serve.

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