Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Summer Pasta

Did anyone else catch Rachel Ray today? I happened to catch the first 10 minutes and it is so great that I did! This morning I was thinking I need to use up some summer squash and some corn on the cob so this recipe played right into my plan. I did roast the squash instead of grilling because it was more convenient for me to be all in the kitchen and not having to run out to grill every few minutes. I also boiled my corn before cutting it off the ears.

Rachel Ray's Penne with Grilled Summer Squash and Sweet Corn


  1. I love her! The recipes are so good and made with stuff you actually have in your kitchen. Always tasty too.

  2. I use a LOT of her stuff. I have one of her cookbooks, I get her magazine, and try to catch the cooking segment of her show whenever possible!
