Friday, August 26, 2011

Zucchini "Spaghetti"

With the arrival of my new mandolin today, I am super excited to more efficiently chop, julienne, and deal with the overwhelming amount of produce in my house. First stop, Zucchini "noodles". I've been wanting to try this for a long time but considered it a huge time-suck. Truth be told, it would be without the mandolin! (Seriously, how many times do I have to mention it before you buy one, too?! :) And might I add, this is a GREAT spaghetti option for my g-free friends out there.

Zucchini "Spaghetti"

-2 large zucchinis, peeled
-marinara sauce
-parmesan cheese
-fresh chopped basil
-toasted sunflower seeds

1. Use the "thin julienne" setting on the mandolin to cut both zucchinis into a colander.

2. Sprinkle the "noodles" with a bit of salt and let sit for 30 minutes to an hour. A lot of liquid will drain from the zucchini during this time.

3. Toss "noodles" in a pan over low to medium heat to warm the up; drain excess liquid.

4. Toss "noodles" with marinara sauce, top with cheese, fresh basil, and sunflower seeds.

Enjoy this absolutely GUILT-FREE, CARB-FREE pasta dinner!!

1 comment:

  1. I used to make a meal like this (with "raw" marninara) when I was in my raw foodie phase... definitely a great use of the zucchini overload this season!
