Monday, August 8, 2011

Mushroom-stuffed Zucchini

AAAhhhhh...... We are in that sweet spot of summer when it's cooled down enough to open the windows and turn on the oven but still warm enough to crave fresh, crisp produce straight out of the garden. Even better, my seasonal allergies haven't kicked in yet so I can still enjoy the amazing flavors!

For all you meat lovers out there, the mushrooms in this dish can easily be swapped out for ground beef, turkey, chicken, or sausage.

Mushroom-Stuffed Zucchini

-1 large zucchini
-mushrooms, chopped
-2 sweet onions, chopped
-1 red pepper, chopped
-1 head of garlic, minced
-tomato sauce or marinara
-shredded cheese (I used a mixture of parm and motz)
-bread crumbs

1. Preheat oven to 400.
2. Cut the zucchini in half, the long way, and scoop out the seeds and center flesh until it looks like a boat. Shave the smallest amount possible off the non-cut side of each half so the zucchini will sit flat on the pan without rolling over.
3. Lightly brush a rimmed baking sheet and the zucchini with olive oil. Bake for 20-25 minutes, until tender-crisp.
4. Meanwhile, saute the chopped veggies and garlic in olive oil until soft.
5. When zucchini is done, remove from oven. Fill your cooked zucchini boats with the veggie mixture. Pour tomato sauce over the veggies. Top with shredded cheese and a dusting of bread crumbs.
6. Put assembled boats back into the oven until the cheese melts, then pop them in the broiler for about a minute to crisp up the top.

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