Saturday, March 5, 2011

Thrifty Breadcrumbs

Recently, Ive been saving the scraps from my loaves of bread, mostly the ends. I have been collecting them in a ziploc bag in my freezer. When I could no longer close the bag, I decided to deal with them, and here's how:

-Lay bread pieces out on a cookie sheet.
-Bake at 400 until crisp and toasty.
-Cool, then put bread pieces in the food processor.
-Process until crumbs are to your desired texture.

I let mine go awhile and made fine breadcrumbs that I am using for breading chicken and fish, including in meat balls, etc.

I have a serious problem with waste (seriously, I think it might be obsessive!) so this trick is totally exciting the "use it all up" part of me!

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