Friday, August 12, 2011

My Formula for a Good Salad

I make a lot of salads. A lot. And when we're sharing a salad with friends I often get asked, "Is this on your blog?" I have a hard time responding to this because my salads are more a mix of whatever happens to be in my cupboard than any particular "recipe". However, my neighbor did an excellent job of summarizing my sub-conscience basic formula for putting a good one together - fruit + nut/seed + cheese = a good salad.

Fruits can be anything from dried cranberries, cut up apples or pears, fresh berries (as pictured here), dried blueberries, pomegranate seeds, fresh avocado, etc.

Nuts can be toasted or raw, almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, pistachios . . . the list goes on and on.

Cheese options are endless. I usually buy the giant container of feta from Costco as that is our favorite!

Dressings: Someday, I hope to be excited about making my own, but for now I L-O-V-E the selections available at Trader Joes in the refrigerated section. Champagne Pear Vinaigrette / Cranberry, Walnut & Gorgonzola / Hummus Dressing! Other times, a simple sprinkle of olive oil and balsamic vinegar suites me just fine.

Protein: If you want to turn your salad into a meal (which we do often this time of year) then throw a protein up on top. Grilled chicken or steak are great options. A baked, yummy, coconut shrimp (also from Trader Joe's) is pictured here.

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