Monday, September 19, 2011

Cupcakes, Baby Dedication

As I'm preparing for my son's 1st birthday, I've been getting lots of questions about my history with cupcakes. I have a huge phobia of baking cakes - they never turn out right. And then when I go to decorate, I much too much of a perfectionist to nail the ENTIRE cake surface without making mistakes that would bug me to no end. I know, it's not normal. But it is what it is and I have found my freedom in cupcakes! Easy to bake, fun to decorate, and if you make an uncorrectable mistake you've only lost one cupcake!

These are the cupcakes I made for my son's dedication at our church. The idea was a flock of sheep, but I still kind of think they look more like sheep dogs :)

Sheep Cupcake Tops

You'll need:
-Large marshmallows, quartered
-Large marshmallows, halved
-Mini marshmallows, halved
-White frosting
-Black frosting

1. Frost the cupcake with white frosting.
2. Stick half a large marshmallow in the middle of the cup cake top.
3. Then, cover the remaining top of cupcake with halved mini marshmallows.
4. Stick 2 quartered pieces of a large marshmallow on for ears (the stick on the inside of the marshmallow should be enough to hold them on, but you can always use a little white frosting as glue, if needed.)
5. Stick 2 halved mini marshmallows on top of the large marshmallow, but behind the ears.
6. Place small black dots for eyes and nose.

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