Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Basic French Toast

I've tried so many french toast recipes, including this one for Baked French Toast Cups, but have never been able to master a simple, basic french toast that wasn't too soggy or just plain bland. This recipe is super simple, but it turned out really good. I honestly think the type of bread made the biggest difference. I usually try to make it with whole wheat bread in an effort to boost the nutrient value and quite frankly, that just doesn't cut. Dense white bread is what is needed!

Basic French Toast

-1/4 c flour
-1 c milk (or eggnog if you want to make it festive or use up leftovers!)
-pinch of salt
-3 eggs
-cinnamon to taste
-1 tsp vanilla extract
-1 Tbs white sugar
-sliced dense white bread, like potato or sourdough

1. Put flour in a large bowl. Whisk in milk, then salt, eggs, cinnamon, vanilla and sugar until smooth.
2. Heat a lightly oiled griddle or frying pan over medium heat.
3. Soak bread slices in mixtures until saturated. Cook bread on each side until golden brown.

Serving suggestions: butter, agave, maple syrup, fresh fruit, more cinnamon, baked apples or pears, the list goes on and on and on. . .

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