Thursday, February 24, 2011

Breakfast for Dinner

Today was another hectic day for us, so another easy stand by came to the table. This one is a big hit at my house. Both my hubby and my daughter love "breakfast night". Tonight ours included:

-Blueberry Pancakes: We substitute organic blue agave for syrup. It's low on the glycemic index and therefore doesn't cause that abrupt spike in blood sugar levels. It looks just like syrup and tastes pretty sweet so the kids aren't usually thrown by the switch up. Plus, it's another great product available at Costco (I swear, they are not paying me to say this!!).

-Chicken Sausages: We had Amy's apple & gouda sausages tonight. Trader Joe's also carries a great variety of flavored chicken sausages.

-Eggs: Good 'ol scrambled eggs. Always a winner and great source for protein!

I'll be signing off for a couple of days. My parents are in town tomorrow to watch the kids for the weekend while my hubby and I are off for our first time away since #2 came along. See you next week and have a great weekend!


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