Sunday, July 31, 2011

Super Simple Garden Salad

I haven't been posting much lately and that's because this time of year my table contents are usually super simple. Fresh vegs, fresh fruits, raw, roasted or on the grill, I don't usually do too much to them because they are so delicious just how God made them! I do like this particular combination, though, and thought it worth sharing! And just in time for garden harvests. I don't know about yours, but ours is exploding with fruit - yum, yum!

Super Simple Garden Salad

-Chopped tomatoes
-Chopped cucumbers
-Olive Oil
-Balsamic vinegar
-Parmesan cheese, shredded
-Salt and pepper

Mix all ingredients in a bowl. Best if you have time to let it sit in the fridge for a couple of hours before serving.

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