Friday, September 5, 2014

Chicken Pie (Vegetarian Option Available)

This one comes together fast and is super kid friendly.  I mean, really, what kid wouldn't think it was a treat to have "pie" for dinner?!  This is also a super easy way to use up your leftover chicken, which we always seem to have!

1 Tbs coconut oil
1 1/2 c diced or shredded chicken
4 slices of cooked bacon, crumbled
1/2 c gluten free flour mix
1 c Silk Almond Milk, unsweetened
3 eggs, beaten
1/4 c Organicville Caesar Dressing
Coleslaw mix

1.  Preheat oven to 400 and grease a glass pie pan with coconut oil.
2.  In the pie plate, spread chicken and bacon to cover the base.
3. In a bowl, mix the GF flour, milk, eggs, and dressing.  Pour over the chicken & bacon.
4. Bake 25-30 minutes or until knife inserted in the middle comes out clean.  Let stand for 5 minutes.
5.  Toss coleslaw mix with more the caesar dressing.
6.  Serve pie, topped with coleslaw.

**There is plenty of room for adding more veggies into this mix or making the pie entirely vegetarian by replacing some or all of the chicken/bacon with roasted veggies!!**

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