Friday, May 18, 2012

Lemon Garlic Spaghetti

We were craving spaghetti the other night, but with these unseasonably warm temps meat marinara was sounding a bit heavy.  This is a light and refreshing alternative.  I'm sure it will make several reappearances at our table this summer.

Lemon Garlic Spaghetti
-garlic, as much as you can handle :)
-2 Tbs olive oil per serving
-whole wheat spaghetti noodles
-3 lemons (mine were small), juiced
-basil, fresh or freeze dried
-walnuts, chopped
-shaved parmesan cheese

1.  Prepare noodles according to package directions.
2.  Warm oil and garlic over LOW heat.  Cook until garlic begins to brown, then remove from heat.
3.  Combine noodles, garlic oil, basil, lemon juice and walnuts. 
4.  Serve topped with parmesan.

1 comment:

  1. Tried this tonight for dinner... my husband even made it and it was a hit with our kiddos!
