Sunday, June 19, 2011

Popsicles, Peaches & Cream

Let the fun begin. Here is the first of what I'm sure will be many popsicle posts this summer!

Peaches & Cream Popsicles

-1 1/2 c. peaches, chopped and pureed*
-6 Tbs. milk
-1 c. vanilla yogurt (Greek yogurt is especially good in these!)
-2 tsp agave nectar (or honey)

Mix all ingredients in the food processor.
Fill your popsicle molds.
Freeze for 4-6 hours. Enjoy!

*I like my popsicles without "chunks" in them, but if you are the opposite, keep 1/2 c. of your peaches just chopped to mix in.


  1. These look refreshing and delicious....a "hit" with Sam, I see.

  2. Huge success at our house today! Thanks!

  3. Glad you liked 'em! Good to see you tonight, hope to see you again in 2 weeks :)
