Friday, January 11, 2013

Homemade Lara Bars

The ever-popular, ever-expensive Lara Bar.  Here is a homemade version.  These need to be refrigerated to hold their shape, but I prefer them even more out of the freezer.  Just sayin.

-2 c raw whole almonds
-1/2 c chopped dark chocolate (or choc chips)
-3 c whole, pitted dates
-1 c dried, unsweetened cherries
-2 T almond butter

1.  Line a 9 x 13 straight-sided pan with a piece of parchment paper, so that the paper hangs over the long sides.
2.  Place the almonds in your food processor and pulse until finely chopped. Add the chocolate and pulse again until finely chopped. Pour mixture into a large bowl; set aside.
3.  Place half of the fruit in the food processor and process until a paste forms and clumps together. Add 1 T. of the nut butter and 1/2 of the almond/chocolate mixture; process until evenly combined. Scrape into the prepared pan.
4.  Repeat with the remaining fruit, nut butter and almond/chocolate mixture. Scrape into the prepared pan.
With slightly wet hands, press the mixture evenly into the bottom of the pan. Fold the excess parchment over the bars to cover, and use something flat and heavy to press down firmly on the mixture until it is smooth (I used a small cutting board).
5.  Chill for at least two hours. Using the parchment paper as a guide, transfer the bars to a cutting board. Cut into desired shape and size.

Credit: Pinterest via Donuts, Dresses, and Dirt

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