Tuesday, June 14, 2011

What have I been eating?

Our family was blessed enough to spend the last week on vacation in Scottsdale AZ and thus, I haven't been cooking and posting. However, I have been eating like a queen and wanted to share a few things we enjoyed here...

1. Fresh salad for lunch by the pool (greens, feta, berries, sunflower seeds, and my new favorite dressing from Trader Joe's - Pear Champagne).

2. Crab legs on the grill. Dad's tip: if you buy them fresh, toss a few ice cubes in the foil pack before putting on the grill to help keep them from drying out. It worked, they were delectable!

3. My favorite anytime snack: apples and gouda!

4. Nick and I had a date night at Cowboy Ciao in downtown Scottsdale one night and sampled a few items from their menu including the mini mushroom plate, crusted mac n cheese, and ribs. However, the best surprise was the spulmoni (sp??); it was amazing. I love discovering new desserts!!

5. Love this pic of Sam; she definitely ate her way through the produce section this week! Gotta luv my little fruit lover!

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