Saturday, August 6, 2011

Salsa Verde

There is nothing like fresh salsa. Nothing. Period.

Salsa Verde

-6-10 tomatillos
-1-2 small onions, quartered
-1 jalepeno, halved, seeded, and deveined*
-1-2 cloves garlic, minced
-salt and pepper to taste

1. Remove the husks from the tomatillos and boil the fruit for about 5 minutes, until it softens.
2. Put all ingredients in the food processor and process until desired chunkiness/smoothness.
3. Refrigerate to chill.
4. Serve. Straight up with chips. As a sandwich/burger topping. Mixed with mashed avocados and lime juice to make guacamole. The options are endless.

*Unless you like it REALLY hot, then leave in the seeds and veins. That's where most of the heat lives.

**I didn't plan my garden as well this year when it comes to cilantro. Ours is all gone to seed before our tomatoes are in :( I do like this freeze-dried option in a pinch, available at your local grocer.

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